Parallel session 5: Multimodal Studies
Session Chair: Reinhard Rapp, Odessos Hall
11.00-11.20 Sign Language Recognition and Translation: A Multi-Modal Approach Using Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing (Jacky Li, Jaren Gerdes, James Gojit, Austin Tao, Samyak Katke, Kate Nguyen and Benyamin Ahmadnia)
11.20-11.40 Unimodal Intermediate Training for Multimodal Meme Sentiment Classification (Muzhaffar Hazman, Susan McKeever and Josephine Griffith)
11.40-12.00 Was That a Question? Automatic Classification of Discourse Meaning in Spanish (Santiago Arróniz and Sandra Kübler)
12.00-12.20 MQDD: Pre-training of Multimodal Question Duplicity Detection for Software Engineering Domain (Jan Pasek, Jakub Sido, Miloslav Konopik and Ondrej Prazak)
12.20-12.40 From Stigma to Support: A Parallel Monolingual Corpus and NLP Approach for Neutralizing Mental Illness Bias (Mason Choey)